Wednesday, 5 November 2014

In the World, Kollam is a small spot. Kollam is laying at the southern region of Kerala, Kerala belongs to one the state in India. Kollam have a long past history. Once Kollam was the capital of       small province. At that time Kollam grown as one of the center of international trade in south India.
Chinese and Persians were open a trade channel through Arabian Sea. So many spices items and food materials were exported from  Kollam to these countries . So many things imported from China and Persia also. For this purpose there established a well equipped Port at Kollam. Chines kitchen apparatus and Persian perfumes were very much used at that days in Kollam as well as in Kerala. Rulers of Desinganad and Venad were gave well attention for the development of Kollam. Dutch and English presence in Kollam is also a separate history. They tried to convert Kollam to their own trade interest. This gave way for many war and looting in Kollam.
      The economic prosperity of Kollam was very famous. Coconut ,Pepper, cashew rice , etc were cultivated and excess exported.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

                        Nature Pain

River, goes fast to see her mother 
She has much to say and share
 Many hurdles there to  pass
Desire is the mother and no pain

A leaf from the  tree fall on flows
The  dry leaf goes float with no life
Green leaf  get a smile of light
The grip of mother, the pride of place

The way, dark sky sow weep drops
Nature around  see still and breathless
The nature,  can't read  well off
Where mankind behaving  hardly well

River is saying endless words 
Ocean is getting angry and nervous 
Spurious waves, beating at shore
And outflow over  earthling mass

              Tree and Life

The tree has no legs to walk
The tree has no hands to work
The tree has branches with leaves
The tree has bunches with fruit.

The tree has no tongue to talk
The tree has no eyes to see
The tree has strong wood to hold 
The tree has strong root at depth.

The tree has no brain to think
The tree has no heart to beat
The tree has vast shade of love
The tree has plenty of life breath.

The tree no language to talk
The tree has no alphabet to write 
The tree itself is a language which
The tree is writing the life of Life.



                               Waste disposal is a major  problem everywhere  in the world. there are different kind of waste. Organic waste that can be disposed by adopting local or universal methods.  The e, waste and plastic waste how can be disposed. I don't know. Certain countries banned plastic carry bags and plastic utensils below the dimension barriers. This is only an official exercise. The banned items are commonly using in third world . The authorities have no sincere attitude  towards this. The health problems and ecological problems are very high. Even though there is none to go through this and address the actual problem.In a Profit oriented society every thing is determined by  profit. Profit  without barriers is making the hills of waste. The e' waste  and Plastic waste  are the bye product of profit.  At last waste is grown as to determine politics. Politicians emerging from these waste.